
tea time with lovely ladies.

i'm always up for an excuse to dress up and spend time with some of the best ladies in my life.

and we found the perfect excuse:
a tea party in honor of the royal wedding.
(which was actually a goodbye party for jessica.... but let's not bring that up. sad face.)

and the food... well that was lovely too.

 the 20-layer crepe cake i made from this tea party website. it was delish.

and we may have had a little too much tea because the party ended up with a royal wedding by us. but it was loads of fun. check out the video here.

dear jess, 
first off.. thanks for taking all the pictures of the tea party that i stole from you.
and most importantly, thanks for being such a fun cousin. i look up to you in so many ways.
you are the cutest mama & i look forward to following you through your adventures via blogging (thank goodness for blogs). but don't forget, i'll be visiting you in saudi arabia as soon as i can :)
love you & wish you and your cute little family the best!
cheerio darling (said in british accent)!
love, lulu

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, Lids. So sweet. I want to cry! I am so glad we've all been able to grow so close this past year.
    I will make you a deal:
    -You can steal any of my pics if I can steal yours.
    -I'll blog my adventures if you keep blogging (I completely stocked your European and Hawaii pics and plan to do your summer Spain trip as well.)
    -Let's make our cousin tea at least a yearly tradition.
    Thanks so much for the sweet post! It made my night!
