
a perfect day.

Over the weekend my dad gave Tyler, Devin, and I day passes to Deer Valley Ski Resort. It was my first (& maybe last) time skiing this season, sadly. We were pretty proud of ourselves because we went down "blue-square" runs most of the day. However we have yet to hit any "black-diamonds". Maybe next year.

A sunny, 60 degree day on the slopes with my brothers made it an overall
perfect day.


  1. these pictures are super cute! and don't say that it will be the last cuz hello you are going with me before Solitude closes! Sav & Zac too :) it should be a blast!

  2. YAYYYY!!!!! You're a blogger, I can't tell you how many time that I wished blogging was around in my college days so I could have captured all my memories.
    I love the skiing pics! I am so proud you are blue skiers. We should have a cousin ski day next year.

  3. Ahh, so nice! I am impressed with your blue square skiing.
