
my dad. the best dad.

"My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it."
-clarence b. kelland

It was my dad's birthday on Wednesday & with all the stress from the accident, the day wasn't very focused on him. Although, we did have a small birthday party as a family for him after having a Spaghetti dinner (my dad's and my favorite). I know he didn't care though because things are never about him; its always about his family.
He is the most selfless person I know & has never once thought about himself over us. After all, he drives the crappiest car of all the cars in our driveway. Usually parents have the nice cars and the kids have the old clunkers. But he sacrifices so much for us when we don't even ask him to and has worked hard every single day of his life to make sure we have everything we could ever need & more. We have never gone without. I know most fathers do that for their children, when they are children. But he has done everything he can for me even as I have become a young woman. He has always been there for me & I know he always will be right behind me. He is such a strength in my life & I wouldn't be who & where I am today without him.
He has always told us to "live, and let live". So to not judge others but just live your life how you want & let them live theirs how they want. I think that is how he has raised us. He has always let us be who we want to be and has never forced us to do or be something we didn't want to. He has just supported us in everything we wanted to do and I love him for it.
I know i'm a little biased, but I think my dad is the best dad there is. I love & appreciate him more that words can express so I guess I just hope he knows that.
I love you daddy.
Love, Squirt.

P.s. Please don't pay much attention to my poor, bruised, neck-braced-face in the picture. hehe.


  1. I need the thumbs up "Like" button on your blog. I agree your Dad is "one of a kind" when it comes to nice and loving. From the day I met your dad he has treated me with the utmost respect and kindness. I have loved watching him "love' his family. His birthday did get lost in the madness of the week-we may have to have a second celebration. Happy Birthday, Dave!

  2. Lindsey, you do have a great Dad! He has always been kind and nice to me and tried to help me out in any way he could. You're blessed! Keep up the good work!

  3. Happy Birthday to your dad and you! I am such a fan of your dad. He is pretty much the only one I miss working with. Our dads must be bros or something because they are both fabulous fathers!
    I am so glad you guys are alright from the crash! I was so worried when I heard! I can't imagine our fam without you two.
