
boogie boarding.

why is it called that anyway?

dev and i have gone a few times now. catching a wave & riding it to shore is actually quite fun. i had never done it before and the first time we went i happened to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. a huuuuge wave was coming and i was standing precisely where it was going to break (if you are standing where a huge wave breaks; you won't be standing for long) so i saw it coming and in a panic i jumped on the board & tried to boogie board but went at the wrong time and yeeep.... the wave took me under. its not very much fun to do a twist/flip under the wave while salt water is forced up your nose & mouth :P yuuck. so i was skeptical to try it again thinking i'd paddle at the wrong time & the wave would nearly kill me again. but devin finally talked me into it after showing me when to go & i survived :) i haven't had that problem again luckily.

if there is one thing i have gained while here in hawaii it is a huge respect for the ocean. it is one powerful body of water. don't ever underestimate it that's for sure. the waves are supposed to be pretty small in the summer but lately the waves have still been plenty big to me. maybe its because i've never seen the 30 foot ones they have in the winter. freaky.

hawaii to-do list:
#6. check!

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