
to. do. lists.

i love them.
i love being organized. 
however i'm not at least half of the time but i like trying to be.
do you know what i love even more than to-do lists?
checking things off of my to-do list!
its actually one of my favorite things... 
pulling my list out when i have a free minute & putting a nice clean line right through what i just completed.
right now i have a very looong to do list and i'm quite overwhelmed
but i'll just try and check things off one by one & then i'll be all done--
until the next to-do list comes along.... 
ohhh where would i be without to-do lists?


  1. Crossing stuff off rocks! Sometimes I write stuff on my lists that I've already done, like take a shower, eat breakfast, just so I can cross them off. Good luck with your list.

  2. My "To-Do" lists have been the same for so long that i have them "engraven on my forehead" as the scripture says.
