
alyssa tagged me.

Four Shows I Watch:
1. friends
2. america's next top model
3. full house
4. but i don't really watch t.v. ever

Four Things I'm Passionate About:
1. spirituality/religion
2. traveling
3. love
4. family

Four Phrases I Say A Lot:
1. "oh myyy"
2. "whatev"
3. "what are you thinking about?"
4. "i love you" :)

Four Things I've Learned from the Past:
1. service does so much for a person (not just the person who is served).
2. if you do as much as you possibly can, somehow its always enough.
3. live & let live.
4. there are no accidents.

Four Places I Would Like to Go:
1. india
2. tahiti
3. japan
4. greece

Four Things I Did Yesterday:
1. went to emily's baby shower.
2. blogged about my time in hawaii with devin (made me miss it too much).
3. went to dinner for devin's bday.
4. went on a date with dustin to trafalga & i lost once again.

Four Things I'm Looking Forward to:
1. thanksgiving break
2. fall semester to be over with
3. seeing my long lost friend, carolyn!
4. the holidays

Four Things I Love About Winter:
1. christmas music
2. boots&sweaters
3. fireplaces
4. skiing

Four Things on My Wish List:
1. a good job
2. a cruise/vacation
3. a camera
4. just happiness for all my friends & family.

Four People I Tag:
1. carolyn 
2. savannah
3. chelsea
4. jessica


  1. So fun to learn all those things about you.

  2. So, did you read "Eat, Pray, Love?" is that why you want to go to India? We will all have to have a ski day this winter!

  3. Colleen-I love eat pray love, it was a good book and I haven't even been able to see the movie just Jer won't go see it with me so who else would I go with? haha

    Lindsey!! I really can't wait to see you and of course I did this, it reminds me of the emails we used to send to each other a long time ago when email was cool. haha well i love you girl and soon, I WILL SEE YOU!!! :)
