
lovely & not-so-lovely.

lovely things about lately:
-i got eight hours of sleep (that is rare these days)
-i registered for spring semester & realized how close i am to being done with general classes (just 2 classes away) and getting into what i really want to be doing.
-i had a fun night on the town in slc with savannah&alicia.
-i have been spending time with a special someone :)
-i am currently baking chocolate chip pumpkin cookies again & blogging while they're in the oven.

not-so-lovely things about lately:
-it snowed already.
-halloween is this weekend & i still don't know what i'm going to be.
-homework. but is homework ever lovely?

anyway... for the most part; life is just pretty darn lovely right now.

*picture via photobucket


  1. Lovely post. I am curious about this someone special :)

  2. All this pumpkin cookie making is making me hungry. Well of course as 'lovely" as it all sounds--the only thing anyone out here in the blog world is interested in is the special someone-time for another blog!
