
twice the fun.

sooooo i'm just sitting here on the couch in this quiet house in hot & sunny arizona.
the key word here is [quiet].

no babies crying right now.
savannah was on night shift last night & they were probably up a lot of the night seeing as its noon and the mama, savannah, and the twins are all sleeping.
including the dog.
so its just me. i slept just lovely last night though, thanks for asking.
which is good because when i was on night shift last night, elise decided she didn't want to sleep unless she was being held and rocked, so i didn't get much sleep.
and it was then that i was debating whether i wanted to have kids or not. haa weeeell of course i do... just not for awhile. which is good since i'm not even married yet. that would probably be the first step.
but besides being tired a lot of the time, the twins are so much fun :)
elise is the brown haired baby and is a tad bit bigger. she tends to be a little more high-maintenance than her sister but we love her just the same.
brielle is the little blondie who is usually more low-key.
they are such dolls.
i can't wait to see them grow up.

p.s. i'm just thinking about how many diapers i'll have changed by the end of the week. lets see... diaper changes are every 3 hours so thats 8 a day... for 7 days... times all that by 2 since they are twins. thats about 112 diapers. wow.


  1. Linz, you and Savannah will be awesome moms someday!

  2. Fun! Fun! Fun!
    Love Aunt Jan

  3. These babies are so cute and beautiful--seeing them helps fill a little hole in my heart.

  4. Every time I see a picture of them, I just want to pick them up and rock them and just stare at them. What miracles they are! Love, Aunt Shirlene

  5. ohhhh. I do miss those two angels!
