
rain, rain, go away..

(even the beach looks sad today)
come again another day.
this would be a rather depressing day for tourists. good thing we aren't just here for vacation.

i heard rain pounding on my roof through out the night & then when i got up this morning i found it to be a cloudy/rainy/dull/ no good very bad weather day here in hawaii.
i actually love rainy days usually and in hawaii it's kind of fun because when it rains it actually POURS like you've never seen it pour in utah. with all the humidity you still even get soaked when its sprinkling because its more like a mist than water droplets. so i wouldn't mind it so much if it were a regular week day & i had classes to go to anyway. buuuut today is {saturday} and i wanted to play at the beach aLL day longgg.
ohh well! here is to a lazy day in hawaii.....devin is reading & i am blogging. we will be seeing toy story 3 later today.


  1. Toy Story 3 was the best movie I have seen this year. Trust me, it will make up for the rain.

  2. It still looks beautiful, even in the rain. I am sitting here blogging with a sweater on--and it is the 4th of July! How weird is that? Keep these blogs and pictures coming-we all look forward to them.
