
current addiction (besides chocolate... but that is an always addiction).

for those of you who know me, you know that i pretty much never watch tv.
and i haven't seen any of the shows people are obsessed with. maybe i miss out? i don't know... i've never really cared.
but dustin got me to start watching LOST cause all of the seasons are on his netflix. so we are almost done with season 2 and i have to admit... i am hooked.
while in hawaii my roommate took me to where most of LOST was filmed. it was on north shore only about 10 minutes from byuh. the last season had just ended so when we arrived there were lots of big trucks and people taking down the set. i looked around and thought "cool". i had never seen an episode so i didn't really care. but now i'm all bummed i didn't look around more. who would have known i'd end up loving the show so much? it does make me miss hawaii though when i see the beautiful backgrounds during the show.
Mayfair Games Settlers of CATAN-2ND. Ed.
speaking of addictions... i also realized last night that i am addicted to the board game "settlers of catan" (i know the box makes it look lame... but i promise it's not). dustin & his friends told me it was the "board game of all board games" and that i was crazy for not knowing what it was but i am definitely hooked on it now seeing as i beg them to play it like every night.

So... since it's so bitter-cold outside & there is nothing better to do; i'm guessing the next few months are going to consist of lots of LOST watching & settlers of catan playing.
and i'm totally okay with that.


  1. I'm avoiding Lost because I know how easily I can become addicted.

    If you ever need a Settlers partner call my mother in law. She's beyond addicted, she's a Settler's Junkie.

  2. I looooove Lost. I was addicted when i was prego with James. I am so glad I will have someone who will understand my Lost references now.
