
small towns & good memories.

i am in lovely klamath falls, oregon. i know i tend to joke about this small town, especially since i noticed that all the people here at the klamath walmart have this "look" about them that just says "i am from klamath falls, oregon". it makes me laugh. but i really do love this town. i love all the memories i have of coming to visit grandma & grandpa here. the memories of going to diamond lake, the lava beds, crater lake, redwood forests, the oregon coast, lake of the woods, & even just staying here in klamath at grandma & grandpa's house. i love driving down the cute little main street and finding things to do in this simple town. 

savannah & i sure had fun adventures here during our high school years when our families would visit at the same time. we hung out with some klamath boys and i can tell you one thing; boys from small towns sure know how to show you a crazy but good time. including teaching you to shoot a gun at cans & even baby squirrels (sounds sad, but i was so proud), cow-tipping, cramming into pick-up trucks, and even trying to ride a horse bareback. plus, you gotta love their wrangler jeans.

i always try to picture what it was like when my dad grew up here and if he was as wild as all the klamath boys i have met. i have a feeling he was though because last night we spent the evening looking at old photo albums & grandma had saved a few letters he wrote in his early twenties to his brother steve while he was out on his mission. my dad filled him in on the stuff he had been doing back here in klamath and wow, he did the same stuff he would get so mad at my brothers & i for doing with our friends! haha i love to read things that show your parents really are human & were just like you are now (i would love to post some of the stuff he said but he would probably kill me). 

anyway, its so good to be here again after missing out on the summer family vacations to klamath the past two years due to being in spain & hawaii. i sure have missed it & i'm enjoying spending time with grandma & grandpa along with savannah, heather, katelyn, & kylie. 

here are two of my favorite photos of my dad & uncle steve: 

gotta love old photos!


  1. So what were you girls up to all those summers-- can I only warn you about the K Falls Boys! They will sweep you off your feet in those tight jeans and fast sports cars, but once you fall for them and get in, you will be in for the most wild ride of your life!! Don't say you haven't been warned!

    P.S. Eli looks like Steve!

  2. Wow that is cute! haha I like those photos! Its funny how much all the children look alike. You can tell you are all family! :) Hope you guys are having fun and have a safe trip home. Lets hang out as soon as you get home!

  3. Lindsey,you are such a talented writer. It makes me so happy you like it here and yet see all the small town stuff. I love your blog! And both of us loved your visit! And we love you!
