
the time has come

to say goodbye to another year.
for me, it is somewhat bittersweet but deep down i can feel the excitement of a new year. a fresh slate. renewed hope. a time to make the changes that you felt it was too late to change a few months ago. 

it's been an amazing year though so i'd like to review 2010:

-i got to visit kristi in arizona to help with her newborn twins
-i got hit by a semi-truck & had my first real ambulance ride (okay... not exactly included in the "amazing" parts of 2010 but it needed to be said)
-i turned twenty
-i lived in hawaii for most of the summer
-holly came to visit from england
-i went on a ten day road trip with my best girlfriends to st. george, vegas, LA, santa cruz, & san fransisco
-i bought a new car
-i successfully completed my fourth & fifth semesters at UVU (i swear i was a freshman only yesterday....)
-and i met dustin :)

it was a lovely year. can't wait to make 2011 even lovelier. 

a few of my new years resolutions: (if i blog about them, i may just keep them up a little better)

-carry my camera with me wherever i go (and save up for a much nicer camera)
-wear red (or not so red) lipstick whenever i feel like it & not be ashamed... just because i can
-live more passionately
-read more books
-speak kinder words
-exercise, exercise, exercise (so cliche, but i have a gym pass that i'm paying for & it needs to be used!)
-do one simple act of kindness daily (as i blogged about in the past here)
-learn to play the piano (i'm super excited about this.. i hired jamie, tylers girlfriend, to be my personal piano teacher)

okay, i think i can handle that. i'm looking forward to improving myself this year. growing closer to my heavenly father. & being the best me i can be. i hope to hear some of your new years resolutions as well! 

bring on 2011! (live it up since the world will end in 2012...........ha, just kidding.)


  1. haha live it up linz! hope this year includes more of you&me in it.

  2. You've had a great year! I'm so glad you have included all of us in it through your blog. Here's to an equally great 2012.

  3. Like always your post has inspired me. Resolutions, I am ready to write you down!

  4. You had a great year--I am going to think of a few resolutions just because yours sound 'lovely!"

  5. Lindsey, you're really an inspirational person to be around! You are so optimistic and positive about life! You are always happy and smiling! You make me want to be the best person I can be! Keep up the great attitude Linz! You'll go far in life! May this year and every year after that be the best year ever for you and all the rest of us! Take Care!
