
klamath falls & a gnome.

like i mentioned in my last post; you have to find things to do when in a small town.
and today we decided to go capture some parts of klamath's little downtown main street. but we figured we'd give the town a little something extra: a gnome.
grandma has three gnomes & today katelyn mentioned that they kind of creep her out.
then one thought led to another & we decided to go a gnome adventure. you know where you cleverly place gnomes in your pictures. yes. so that is what we did.

{this last picture is the high school my dad, uncle steve, & aunt laura went to}

did you spot the gnome? i think he had a good time. so did we.


  1. OMG--(oh my gnome) this was a definite laugh out loud moment. I think it should be expanded into a coffee table book!

  2. You guys are hilarious! I am just sad I couldn't get on the cuz crazy good time. I hope you guys made it safely home!

  3. I laughed all week. What a special time!

  4. You guys were so much fun this week. I love your pictures I may have to copy them and pretend I was there.
