
another belated birthday girl.

i am late on this once again... but i decided to do it anyway. i think doing these little birthday posts are fun. ha.

ohhh celia-be-delia. how i love you so.
being carolyn's older sister, you were basically all of our big sister.
through out those sleep overs in jr. high you taught us girls everything we know... hehe
you are always a party. and i'm pretty sure there is never a dull moment when i'm with you.
(we have many pictures&videos to prove that).
i luff your craziness so very much. however, you are also the our little "mother" and keep us in line.
(somebody has to do it!) 
happy belated birthday my dear! 

now.... when is our next adventure?? ;)

1 comment:

  1. yepp that's my sister, crazy one she is&i do love her so.
